Error KCI
These KCIs are sent by the Fibre Gateway when it was not possible to send a request to the supplier for an order or an order amendment/cancellation request.
This would usually be a transient issue where the supplier is not accepting connections or the supplier API is returning unexpected errors.
However, this could also mean the tenant's supplier credentials have expired or the gateway's requests are failing due to a problem with the Fibre Gateway/Supplier API integration. These scenarios may require support from the Fibre Gateway team.
The error will be attached in the same form used for general exception handling.
Errors originating from the supplier
Supplier request timeout:
"error": {
"uuid": "87432dfb-2e47-4532-a1b7-4b113d48867d",
"messages": [
"The gateway did not receive a timely response from the supplier"
Supplier response was invalid:
"error": {
"uuid": "87432dfb-2e47-4532-a1b7-4b113d48867d",
"messages": [
"An invalid response was received from the supplier"
Supplier request failed:
"error": {
"uuid": "87432dfb-2e47-4532-a1b7-4b113d48867d",
"messages": [
"The supplier API returned the following message: An unexpected system error has occurred"
Tenant's supplier credentials expired or invalid:
"error": {
"uuid": "87432dfb-2e47-4532-a1b7-4b113d48867d",
"messages": [
"The supplier API returned the following message: Not authorised"
Fibre Gateway error calling supplier or supplier API has changed unexpectedly:
"error": {
"uuid": "87432dfb-2e47-4532-a1b7-4b113d48867d",
"code": "GATEWAY_FAULT",
"messages": [
"The gateway sent an invalid request to the supplier"