HTTP Codes

Response Codes

The Fibre Gateway uses the standard HTTP response status codes:

  • 2xx Successful
  • 4xx Client Error
  • 5xx Server Error

2xx Successful Responses

These responses confirm the request was expected and successful.

Response Code Description
200 OK Standard response confirming the request was successful.
201 Created Response indicating the request was successful resulting in creation of a new resource.
202 Accepted Request has been accepted but has not been processed yet - to be confirmed or rejected via a KCI.

4xx Client Error Responses

These responses indicate an error with the request from the client. The response body should contain the cause.

Response Code Gateway Error Code Description
400 Bad Request MALFORMED_REQUEST The request could not be processed as it is invalid or malformed.
401 Unauthorized NOT_AUTHORISED Authentication was not provided or is invalid/expired.
403 Forbidden The client is not permitted to access the resource - usually sent from a WAF.
404 Not Found NOT_FOUND Resource with the supplied ID was not found.
422 Unprocessible Entity INVALID_REQUEST The request was well-formed but failed validation requirements.

5xx Server Error Responses

These responses indicate an error returned from the Fibre Gateway Tenant API.

Response Code Gateway Error Code Description
500 Internal Server Error GATEWAY_FAULT An unexpected Fibre Gateway error has occurred - this will usually require support.
501 Not Implemented GATEWAY_FAULT The request could not be fulfilled as the service is not yet implemented in the Fibre Gateway.
501 Not Implemented SUPPLIER_FAULT The request could not be fulfilled as the upstream supplier service is not yet implemented.
502 Bad Gateway GATEWAY_FAULT The gateway request to an upstream supplier API was invalid or malformed.
502 Bad Gateway SUPPLIER_FAULT The gateway request to an upstream supplier API failed.
503 Service Unavailable The server is not available - usually a temporary state (no body).

These responses indicate an error returned from the Fibre Gateway Supplier API.

Response Code Gateway Error Code Description
500 Internal Server Error SUPPLIER_FAULT Invalid or failed response from the supplier API.
501 Not Implemented SUPPLIER_FAULT The request could not be fulfilled as it is not yet implemented.
502 Bad Gateway SUPPLIER_FAULT The supplier received an invalid response from an upstream service.
503 Service Unavailable The server is not available - usually a temporary state (no body).

Error Response Body

Where a 4xx or 5xx response is returned, the following response body will be returned. The generated UUID is unique for each error and can be used by support to trace the problem.

  "uuid": "423d0696-5bde-453f-bbdd-25c73d48a9a9",
  "code": "NOT_AUTHORISED",
  "messages": [
    "Not authorised to use this endpoint"

Multiple messages can be returned. In the case of an INVALID_REQUEST, the validation should return all failures associated with the request.