Amendment and Cancellation

Once an order has been created but has not yet completed or been cancelled, the tenant can request for the order to be amended or cancelled. The supplier may also amend or cancel at any point. A KCI will be sent to confirm or reject the amendment or cancellation.


Tenants can request order amendments by providing the new values for fields they want to update - multiple values to amend can be specified on a single request. Only the fields that require changing should be sent. Where a field/value is sent, the new value(s) will replace the existing value(s) - for arrays, the desired full set of values must be sent as the existing values will be replaced with the provided set. If an empty value or array is provided then the result will be the removal of any existing value(s) for that field.

An order amendment request may be accepted or rejected immediately or alternatively the order state will change to PENDING_AMENDMENT whilst the supplier processes the request (a KCI will be sent via the gateway to confirm). Once an amendment is accepted or rejected, the result together with the new order state will be sent as a KCI.

Order amendments can only be requested for orders in an appropriate state: ACKNOWLEDGED, IN_PROGRESS, PENDING or PENDING_AMENDMENT. Note: the gateway will allow concurrent order amendments but some suppliers may reject additional amendment requests if there is already an amendment in progress.

An unsolicited cease order can not be amended.


The supplier may cancel the order at any point and will send a KCI to inform the tenant. A cancelled order is a terminal state and cannot be resumed - a new order would be required.

Tenants can request to cancel an inflight order providing a reason. This may be accepted or rejected immediately or alternatively the order state will change to PENDING_CANCELLATION whilst the supplier processes the request (a KCI will be sent via the gateway to confirm). A supplier may have a point of no return where they reject order cancellations from that point.

Order cancellation requests can only be made for orders in an appropriate state: ACKNOWLEDGED, IN_PROGRESS, PENDING, HELD or PENDING_AMENDMENT.

For unsolicited cease orders, cancellation requests can only be made for certain scenarios - see Unsolicited Cease.

Amendment and Cancellation State Diagram

The order amendment and cancellation requests carry their own state distinct from the order. They follow a simpler state diagram:

Order Request State Diagram