
Orders received from the tenant are given a numeric identifier (id) by the Fibre Gateway before sending the order to the supplier. This identifier is the primary id used to identify the order and any subsequent order requests on the Fibre Gateway. The identifiers will be unique and sequential per tenant.

When making a request to amend or cancel an inflight order, the order identifier (id) is passed as the orderId field in the appropriate order request.

Orders can be also given a supplier order reference to link them to supplier systems - this is optional and alphanumeric for compatibility.


"provideServiceOrder": {
    "id": 123,                                  # Fibre Gateway identifier
    "supplierOrderReference": "A123X",          # Supplier reference identifier

The same approach applies to order requests (amendment or cancellation) and appointments. e.g.

"provideServiceOrder": {
    "appointmentReservationId": 234,            # Fibre Gateway identifier
    "appointmentReservationReference": "A234X", # Supplier reference identifier
    "serviceOrderAmendmentId": 345,             # Fibre Gateway identifier
    "serviceOrderAmendmentReference": "123-1",  # Supplier reference identifier

When suppliers send KCI updates to the Fibre Gateway, at least one of these identifiers must be provided in order to identity the order or order request. When the KCI is send to the tenant then the Fibre Gateway identifier will always be populated with the supplier reference if available.