
Support Requests

All support requests must be sent to our support system only and not internal imperatives email addresses. The support request will be raised as a ticket with the identifier returned to you.

Support requests must contain the request and response as sent to the Fibre Gateway API. To allow quick resolution, include the following:

  • Environment (PRODUCTION or CVT)
  • Fibre Cafe order id (if applicable) - this will be a numeric id returned when the order is placed.
  • Details of tenant and supplier involved
  • Timestamp of the request/response
  • X-Request-ID and X-Conversation-Id headers (see below)
  • Error response code and message (as appropriate) - see below for an example.

Example of detail required for a support request:

Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2023 07:54:30 GMT
X-Request-ID: c878520d-6ffc-4d63-a367-95a8f94d70dc
X-Conversation-ID: 5b6df604-483e-400e-bfc2-e8e831b6c6b8
Tenant: TENANT_1
Supplier: SUPPLIER_2


GET{id":"100000001","type": "UPRN"}&serviceSpecification={"id":"FTTP","name":"FTTP"}&appointmentPurpose=PROVIDE&appointmentFromDate=2023-01-25&supplier=SUPPLIER_2

Response: 422

{"uuid":"d48e1fee-095a-478e-b453-858c76254d49","code":"INVALID_REQUEST","messages":["The supplier API returned the following message: UPRN 100000001 is not within our coverage area"]}


The Fibre Gateway logs all inbound and outbound requests for both tenants and suppliers.

All orders and order requests are given a unique identifier by the Fibre Gateway. In addition they may have a supplier internal reference. Any errors returned will have a generated UUID to help identify the issue - this should be included in any support request.


All requests to the Fibre Gateway must have the following header parameters:

Header Parameter Description
X-Request-ID Unique identifier (e.g. UUID) to link request and response events across the gateway
X-Conversation-ID Unique identifier to track message journey across the gateway

The X-Request-ID header must be unique for every request and should be returned in the response header - this will allow easy auditing of related messages across the Tenant/Fibre Gateway/Supplier systems.

The X-Conversation-ID header can be used to correlate requests across the Fibre Gateway. When sending order updates to tenants, this identifier will correlate to the original identifier supplied when the order was created.