Supplier Order Updates (KCIs)

Once an order has been placed and accepted by the gateway, updates on the order as it progresses should be sent in the form of KCI (Keep Customer Informed) notifications.

These notifications should be sent to the Fibre Gateway Supplier Updates API as the state of the order changes, at key milestones/events and if action is required by the tenant/end user.

Reasons for KCI

The reason for each KCI must be provided and can be as follows:

  • Order has been updated/state has changed
  • Order has been acknowledged or committed
  • Order was rejected
  • Order has been delayed by an issue
  • Issue is resolved/delay has ended
  • Order has been reappointed by the supplier
  • Information is required from the tenant
  • Tenant needs to (re)appoint for the order
  • Order amendment or cancellation was accepted or rejected
  • Order has been rejected or cancelled
  • Order has completed

See KCI Reason Codes for more information.


KCIs contain a consistent set of metadata to be populated as follows:

Field Description Mandatory Example
id Unique identifier for this KCI (UUID) Yes af14d243-dd62-4e75-8b02-4b5f822e3001
sequenceNumber Sequence number of this KCI for ordering KCIs Yes 1
issuedOn Date/time this KCI was issued Yes 2022-01-10T09:19:00.000Z
reasonCode Reason why this KCI was issued Yes DELAY
problemCode Where KCI relates to a problem contains the problem code (Fibre Gateway defined list) No FAULT_AT_ONT
text Textual information about this update - e.g. reason for the delay No Fault with ONT being investigated
supplierCode Supplier reason/problem code No ONT-FAULT-NOAC

sequenceNumber and issuedOn are important to ensure KCIs are delivered to tenants in the right order.

Service Details

KCIs are used to report back additional service details to the tenant. These are sent as service characteristics on the order.


The KCI must always include the latest version of the related order for the update - this could be a provide, cease or modify service order.

When reporting the result of an amendment or cancellation request to an existing order then the order entity must include the reference to the appropriate request - this can either be the Fibre Gateway generated ID or the supplier internal reference.