KCI Reason Codes

When sending a KCI, the reason for the KCI must be populated along with any supporting fields:


In all cases, serviceOrder must be updated with the latest order details


Supplier has created a new unsolicited cease order

  • serviceOrder:status can be ACKNOWLEDGED or COMMITTED as appropriate


Supplier has updated the order - generic update where one of the below specific reasons do not apply.


Supplier has acknowledged receipt of the order - suppliers can respond to order requests with a 201 ACKNOWLEDGED status and then this KCI will not be required.


Supplier has committed to the order - suppliers can respond to order requests with a 201 IN_PROGRESS status and then this KCI will not be required.

  • serviceOrder:status is IN_PROGRESS
  • serviceOrder:committedDate must be updated
  • serviceOrder:targetDate must be updated

targetDate can be updated based on delays etc. but committedDate is set-once at committed.


Supplier has updated the order with additional information for the tenant e.g. service characteristics such as SERVICE_ID.

  • text can be used to provide further information e.g. what has been updated


There is a potential issue, work item or warning that is not (yet) causing a delay.

  • problemCode must be provided
  • supplierCode can be provided if available
  • text can be used to provide further information


There is a problem causing a delay.

  • problemCode must be provided
  • supplierCode can be provided if available
  • serviceOrder:status may be updated (this KCI is usually accompanied by a status change to HELD)
  • text can be used to provide further information


Tenant must pass an amend order request with the specified additional information.

  • problemCode can be provided if relevant
  • supplierCode can be provided if available
  • text must contain the required information


Tenant must reserve a new appointment and pass an amend order request with the new reservation.

  • problemCode must be provided
  • supplierCode can be provided if available
  • text can be used to provide further information


Supplier has arranged a new appointment with the end customer.

  • appointmentTimeslot must be provided
  • appointmentReservationReference can be provided if available
  • targetDate must be updated
  • problemCode can be provided if applicable
  • supplierCode can be provided if available
  • text can be used to provide further information


Supplier has accepted and applied the tenant requested order amendment.

  • serviceOrder must be updated
  • serviceOrderAmendmentId or serviceOrderAmendmentReference must be provided


Supplier has cancelled the order

  • serviceOrder:status is CANCELLED
  • problemCode must be provided
  • supplierCode can be provided if available
  • serviceOrderCancellationId or serviceOrderCancellationReference must be provided where cancellation was requested by tenant
  • text can be used to provide further information


The order has been rejected.

  • serviceOrder:status is REJECTED
  • text must contain the reason for rejection
  • problemCode can be provided
  • supplierCode can be provided if available


Tenant has previously sent an amendment request that has been rejected.

  • text must contain the reason for rejection
  • problemCode can be provided
  • supplierCode can be provided if available
  • serviceOrderAmendmentId or serviceOrderAmendmentReference must be provided


Tenant has previously sent a cancellation request that has been rejected.

  • text must contain the reason for rejection
  • problemCode can be provided
  • supplierCode can be provided if available
  • serviceOrderCancellationId or serviceOrderCancellationReference must be provided


The order has been completed.

  • serviceOrder:status can be COMPLETED or PARTIAL as appropriate

KCIs received by the gateway that do not follow these rules may be rejected as 422 Unprocessible Entity

Refer to Order KCIs for more information on problem codes.