
Whether using the Fibre Gateway as a supplier or a tenant, it is important that the terminology used in the Fibre Cafe is understood and terms are not confused.


An Amendment is a request to change an inflight Order. Note this is a request and has to be confirmed by the Supplier who can accept or reject the Amendment with a reason. This should not be confused with Modify which is a type of Order. Once an Order is complete, it can not be amended.


A Cancellation is a request to cancel an inflight Order. Note this is a request and has to be confirmed by the Supplier who can accept or reject the Cancellation with a reason. The Supplier can also send an unsolicited Cancellation which will terminate the Order. This should not be confused with Cease which is a type of Order. Once an Order is complete, it cannot be cancelled - most Suppliers will also have a point of no-return after which it will no longer be possible to cancel the Order. In this scenario, the service would have to be ceased once it is live.


As part of an order request and during order fulfilment, Service Characteristics are used to define the service details required by both parties. Refer to Service Characteristics for more information.


A Cease Order is a request to end an existing service at an address. This is not to be confused with Cancellation which relates to cancelling an inflight Order e.g. you can request to cancel a Cease order. See Order for more information.


An Order is created with a requested appointment or completion date (if not appointed). Once the supplier confirms and commits to fulfilling the Order, they will send a Committed KCI with the completion date for the Order. This is stored in 2 fields - committedDate and targetDate. Once committedDate is set this value cannot change unless driven by the tenant/customer request. See Target Date.


An Order may be delayed by the Supplier due to unforeseen problems or through missing information from the end customer/Tenant. These are notified to the Tenant via KCIs. The KCI will provide a problem code and optional textual context. Refer to Order KCIs for more information.

Engineer Task

Depending on the Tenant-Supplier agreement, the Supplier may offer additional package items or tasks that can be done as part of an installation appointment. These are termed as "Engineer Tasks" on the Fibre Gateway. Refer to Engineer Tasks for more information.


Once an Order has been placed with a supplier, future updates on the Order will come via KCI (Keep Customer Informed) updates. KCIs will have a reason e.g. order has been updated, milestone was reached, etc. and in some cases will represent a problem or delay. Refer to Order KCIs for more information.


A Modify Order is a request to change an existing service at an address. This is not to be confused with Amendment which relates to changing an inflight order e.g. you can amend a modify order. See Order for more information.

Line Profile

Line Profiles aim to standardise the individual line characteristics specific to suppliers. They often map to a product offering from a supplier. Refer to Line Profiles for more information.


Lead To Cash. Refers to the E2E process involved in onboarding new customers including processing orders, customer service and support, billing and payments.


An order is a request (usually) from a tenant to a supplier to provide, modify or cease a service. An order is considered complete once that request has been fulfilled. For example, this means that once a new service is live, the related order is now complete and the Service ID will now be used to refer to that service - not the order id which is now redundant. Refer to Order Process for more information.


A Provide Order is a request for a new service at an address. See Order for more information.


An Order may be delayed by the Supplier due to unforeseen problems or by the end customer not being available. In these scenarios the Supplier will send a KCI to the Tenant asking them to Reappoint. A customer may also contact the Tenant asking to change their appointment. The Tenant would need to reserve a new appointment and place an Order Amendment with the new appointment reference.

Service ID

A live Service has a unique Service ID to identify it - this is provided by the Supplier before an Order completes and must be provided in any future Order to Modify or Cease that service.

Service Specification

A service specification defines a type of service that a supplier offers and can be further specified via service characteristics. A service specification usually maps to a product family and/or access technology e.g. FTTP or FTTH/FTTB or FTTPGIG/FTTPLITE. The available service specifications will vary by supplier and are returned in the service availability response.

Service Test

Provides the ability to perform a network diagnostics test on a line, to assist in identifying potential network issues for an End User’s active service. The results can then be used to raise a service problem against that service.

Service Problem

Once a valid service test has been performed and a potential fault identified, the tenant can now raise a service problem with the supplier to resolve a potential issue with the service.


A Supplier provides services that can be ordered by Tenants. Refer to Suppliers for more information.

Target Date

This is provided by the Supplier once they commit to an order and contains the current expected completion date. If this date changes due to delays, reappointing or any other reason, the Supplier must relay the latest date as soon as possible via a KCI. This will initially match the committedDate but may then change. See Committed.


A Tenant places Orders on the Fibre Gateway for a Supplier to fulfil. Refer to Tenants for more information.


Trouble To resolve. The process of a tenant/customer raising a service problem and the supplier resolving the issue.