Fibre Gateway : Supplier Updates API (1.7)

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The Fibre Gateway is a scalable, unified platform to support both the provisioning (L2C) and trouble resolution (T2R) of services between communication providers (CP) and network operators (Alt-Nets).

CPs are known as 'tenants' on the gateway and communicate with the gateway's Tenant API. Alt-Nets providing the services are known as 'suppliers' and provide the Supplier API.

Where suppliers need to send updates back to the tenant (KCIs - Keep Customer Informed) then this API should be called. Examples of KCIs are where the order state and/or order fields have changed or to provide feedback on any requests e.g. amendment/cancellation submitted on the supplier API asynchronously.

Unsolicited ceases can also be sent via this API - these will be represented as a new order in the system that follows a similar but reduced order flow. __

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