
Some service characteristics represent an enumerated set of options that can vary by supplier. In these scenarios, the options available to the tenant for each supplier are defined on the fibre gateway as a numeric indexed mapping (0 based). An appropriate value will then be sent to the supplier according to the mapping.

These enumerations will be available via an API endpoint in a later phase - please contact the Fibre Cafe team for the available enumerations by supplier.

Charge Bands

Where engineering work is required to put in place the necessary infrastructure and/or if any installation work required is not covered under the standard terms of the supplier's service, the supplier may quote Excess Construction Charges to be accepted and/or ask that you set a Time Related Charge to cover the installation work. These are organised into charge bands that are submitted as part of the order to denote how much the tenant is willing to pay. There are 2 service characteristics: 'ECC_CHARGEBAND' and 'TRC_CHARGEBAND'. These are optional characteristics which will usually default to the lowest level if not provided e.g. £0 or 0 hours.

For example, a supplier may have the following ECC chargebands:

0 £0
1 £1 - £100
2 £100 - £1000
3 Over £1000

The tenant could supply the 'ECC_CHARGEBAND' service characteristic with value '1' to specify they are willing to pay up to £100. The gateway can forward this to the supplier as the appropriate value that the supplier expects.

If additional work is uncovered during provisioning that will not be covered by the current chargeband, a KCI will be sent by the supplier and the order state will move to 'pending'. The tenant would then need to choose another chargeband by amending the order or else cancel the order.

Care Levels

Some suppliers offer different levels of ongoing support for the services ordered (e.g. resolution time, days available, etc). A chosen care level can be submitted as part of the order in the 'CARE_LEVEL' service characteristic. This is an optional characteristic which will usually default to the standard level if not provided.

For example, a supplier may have the following care levels:


To select the enhanced care level, the tenant would supply the 'CARE_LEVEL' service characteristic with value '1'. The gateway can forward this to the supplier as the appropriate value that the supplier expects.